Many central
banks in advanced economies have engaged in some form of forward guidance. The
latest to tread this path was the Bank of England, which was preceded by the Reserve
Bank of New Zealand, the Bank of Japan, the Fed, the Norges Bank, the Sveriges
Riksbank, the Czech National Bank, the Bank of Canada and the European Central
Bank. Also the Swiss National Bank has lately, if somewhat implicitly, had
recourse to forward guidance.
Table 1.
Different variants of forward guidance
Adoption Year
of forward guidance
Forecast of the 90 days
bank bill rate path: “We expect to maintain this stance until
we can be confident that, after an easing, inflation would still turn down
towards the middle of the target range in a clear and sustained manner.”
[March 1997]
Soft (open ended)
Commitment to the zero policy rate decision from April 1999 to August
2000: “Bank to explicitly convey to the market its intention to maintain the current zero interest rate
policy until deflationary concerns were dispelled ” [April 1999] [1]
Soft (open ended)
Threshold guidance tied
to CPI, between March 2001 and July 2006 [2]:
“To prevent a deflationary spiral, it would be appropriate to express the
Bank's policy duration commitment as "until the CPI (excluding perishables) registered stably a zero percent or an increase year on year."
[March 2001]
Implicit forward guidance
between Aug 2003 and Nov 2005: “The Committee believes that policy accommodation can be maintained for
a considerable period." [August 2003]
Soft (open ended)
Forecast of key policy
interest rate path and confidence interval: “There are prospects that the key policy rate will remain at the current
level, or somewhat lower, in the year ahead” [July 2013]
Time based
Forecast of the future
path of policy rate; confidence level; commitment to maintain the level for
specified periods: “Executive Board
decided to keep the repo rate unchanged at 1 per cent. Slow increases in
the repo rate are not expected to begin until the second half of 2014.” [July
Time based
Forecast of key policy interest rate path and confidence interval: “Changes
in the conduct and communication of monetary policy (also contain) disclosure of the forecast-consistent Interest
rate path in numerical form, as a fan chart” [February 2008]
Soft (open ended)
Implicit forward guidance from Dec 2008 to Jun 2011: “the Committee
anticipates that weak economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal
funds rate for some [3]
time” [December 2008]
Soft (open ended)
Commitment to maintain key
policy interest rate at low levels, for specified periods and conditional on
the outlook for inflation: “Conditional on the outlook for inflation, the target overnight rate can be expected to
remain at its current level until the end of the second quarter of 2010 in
order to achieve the inflation target” [April 2009]
Time based
Calendar guidance from
August 2011 to November 2012: “The Committee currently anticipates that
economic conditions are likely to
warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through
mid-2013 [4].” [August
Time based
Threshold guidance tied to unemployment, since December 2012: “The low range for the federal funds rate
will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 (…)” [December 2012]
Commitment to reach price
stability objective, 2% CPI year-on-year change: “Under the price stability target, the Bank will
pursue monetary easing and aim to achieve this target at the earliest
possible time” [January 2013]
Commitment to maintain
the cap on the CHF in hopes of warding off deflation and recession: “The SNB stands ready to enforce the minimum
exchange rate, if necessary, by buying foreign currency in unlimited quantities,
and to take further measures, as required.” [June2013]
Soft (open ended)
“Soft guidance”, tied to
economic developments and compliant with the inflation objective: “The
Governing Council confirms that it expects the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended
period of time.” [July 2013]
Soft (open ended)
Threshold guidance, tied
to unemployment: " the MPC intends not to
raise Bank Rate from its current level of 0.5% at least until the Labour
Force Survey headline measure of the unemployment rate has fallen to a
threshold of 7%,” subject to the defined “ Knockouts” [ August 2013]
As can be seen
in the table, like inflation targeting, forward guidance comes in different
customized variants and there are some variants that are undistinguishable from
normal central bank announcements, which do not really deserve a special name
like “forward guidance”. It is thus useful to provide criteria to distinguish
the different types.
One criterion
to classify the different types of forward guidance is to distinguish those
- Are time based;
- Are threshold based;
- Do not have either an explicit time- horizon or threshold.
Another criterion
to classify different types of forward guidance is to consider whether they
change the reaction function of the central bank or whether they stress the
central bank´s forecast of some variables that enter into its reaction function. If
you formalize the central bank reaction function as: r= f (x0) [6] where
r is the policy interest rate (or some other tool available to the central bank,
e.g. the size of its balance sheet), f is the form of the reaction function and x0 is the vector of economic variables which
enter the reaction function, forward guidance can either change f or give the central bank reading of x0 , plausibly
different from the market reading. If the reaction function is in the specific form
of a Taylor rule [7]
then the former
type of forward guidance would consist in a change of the inflation gap
parameter α or the
income gap parameter β or both, but
possibly also of the target levels of inflation and growth (π0 and y0)
Given the
widespread recourse to forward guidance from central banks and the different
guises in which it comes, two policy
questions naturally arise:
- What is new with forward guidance? Are we seeing a technological innovation in monetary policy making as important as inflation targeting and should we encourage central banks to go “Forward with Forward guidance” or do we have rather a case of “Much ado about nothing?”
- Are the characteristics of forward guidance as classified above important in determining their effectiveness or could we say that the kind of forward guidance adopted does not necessarily determine its effectiveness?
An example
relating to the European Central Bank can help making the first policy question more precise. The ECB has a clear mandate,
keeping inflation below but close to 2% over the medium term, and one can say
that this mandate implicitly defines a forward guidance: do not raise interest
rates until inflation is seen overstepping the 2% level in the medium run and
lower it if it is expected to move too far below the target. Given that the currently
available inflation projections for the euro-area do not indicate that
inflation will exceed 2% at least until Q4 2015 (according to professional forecasters), the forward guidance implicit in the
ECB mandate indicates that rates will not be increased until 2015, unless one
would think that there is something of a kink in inflation projections after
that date. So, one could argue that the words of the ECB President did not add
much to the forward guidance implicit in the ECB mandate. Let me further address
this issue only after having examined the second
policy question, i.e. whether the form of forward guidance matters.
In principle,
a forward guidance that changes the reaction function ( f in the notation above) should be more
effective (in terms of changing market expectations) than a forward guidance
that only told to the market that the central bank reading of the economy (as
summarised in x0) is different
from that of market participants. However, in my assessment, only the case of
forward guidance by the Bank of Japan in 2013 clearly implies an announcement
of a change of reaction function, while the case of the FED in 2013 is somewhat
ambiguous in this respect. In any case, it is my assessment that the small
increase of the inflation threshold in the case of the Fed and the Bank of
England, from the “normal” 2.0% to an “exceptional” 2.5%, is too weak to
configure by itself a change in the reaction function.
A cursory look
at the existing literature and the sketch of event study reported in the annex can
throw some light on the question whether the form of forward guidance matters:
which changes in the yield curve have taken place after the announcement of
forward guidance by the different central banks?
Overall the
results indicate that it is difficult to identify forms of forward guidance that
work and forms which do not work. Thus the “soft” guidance of the Bank of Japan
in 1999 and of the FED in 2008 seem to have had an effect. This was also the
case, however, for the harder forms of guidance of the Bank of Japan and of the
FED in 2001 and 2011 respectively. Instead, the threshold based forward
guidance of the Bank of England seems not to have had much effect, like the
softer form used by the ECB. The problem seems to be that, in order to send
information to the market, the central bank would have to issue a precise and
unconditional commitment, but messages of this kind have costs both in terms of
comprehensiveness, because of concentrating attention on one particular
variable, and flexibility, in making it difficult to react to unforeseen
economic developments. Witness, in the latter respect, the difficulties of the
FED that has communicated a specific level of the unemployment rate as
threshold but has some problems in taking into account changes in the
participation rate that impact on the assessment of the unemployment rate as an
indicator of the state of the economy. Consider also that both the FED and the
Bank of England felt the need to make their message conditional and less
precise by adding inflation and, in the case of the Bank of England, financial
stability as “knock-outs” for their forward guidance formulated in terms of
unemployment rate. Overall, the soft or hard form of forward guidance does not
seem relevant to surpass the difficulty of sending a precise and unconditional
Coming back to
the first policy question that I put
aside above, i.e. whether forward guidance is an important breakthrough in
monetary policy technology and central banks should proceed “Forward with forward guidance” or
whether it is more a case of “Much ado
about nothing”, my sense is that it is easy to exaggerate the importance of
forward guidance with respect to an earned credibility in pursuing the
statutory central bank objective. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact
that, in order to be effective, forward guidance should be precise and
unconditional, but this, as argued above, has a cost and therefore it is
difficult to go for very precise and unconditional formulations of forward
guidance. At the end, the conclusion of Benoit Coeurè[8] that
forward guidance belongs more to the communication than to the policy domain seems
to be justified. Forward guidance, in conclusion, is much less of a substantial
innovation that inflation targeting was decades ago.
ANNEX - Impact of forward guidance
Regarding the FED, as reported in the table in the text, there have been four
episodes that can be considered, broadly speaking, as forward guidance. As seen
in chart 1, the announcement in August 2003 (indicated as FED.1 in the table in
the text) had no visible effect either on bond yields or swap rates. In the
chart an effect is instead visible both for FED.2 in December 2008 and for
FED.3 in August 2011, when the FOMC announced that rates would be kept close to
zero at least until mid 2013. According to Swanson and Williams (2013), this
produced a rate fall (8bps for the 2 year Treasury note and 20 bps for the 5
and 10 year notes) equivalent to 100 bps federal funds rate cut in normal times,
when the ZLB was not an issue. In fact, the Treasury rate yields have been
fairly stable up until July 2013, when the first announcement of tapering was
made, in line with the initial forward guidance.
Chart 1:
Treasury yields (left panel) and USD swap forwards (right panel)
When a numerical threshold for unemployment was
announced in December 2012 (FED.4), no change was noticed in the USD Swap
Forwards, but this is not surprising as the Fed Chairman stressed that the
change from a date to an unemployment threshold in forward guidance did not
imply a change in the projected path of interest rates.
BOE’s recent forward guidance announcement would
imply keeping the key policy rates at low levels until Q3 2016. However, when
looking at the Sonia rates, it seems market participants are pricing in a rate
hike as early as 2015. One possible
interpretation is that market participants expect inflation to rise beyond the
BOE forecasts and thus the inflation knockouts to come into play earlier than
expected by the BOE. The same message is derived looking at Gilt yields as well
as swap forward rates, as the path continues to steepen (see chart 2) despite
the central bank’s announcement.
Chart 2:
Gilt yields (left panel) and GBP Swap forwards (right panel)
A message similar to that relating to the Bank
of England is obtained looking at the market reaction after the ECB announcement, as Euro swap forward
rates as well as yields on German government bonds (Chart 3) have been also on
the rise over recent weeks. In fact, many market participants have noted that
the initial impact on the money market rates after the July meeting has quickly
faded. Some market participants have noted that the rise in money market rates
has to do with the lowering liquidity volumes[9]
and that the ECB should consider other VLTROs if further easing should be
Chart 3:
German euro area yields (left panel) and EUR Swap forwards (right panel)
In the case of BOJ’s, the announcements in 1999 (BOJ.1) and 2001 (BOJ.2) seemed to
have an effect on swap rates, indeed for these episodes, Okina and Shirasuka
(2003) argued that the commitment to keep interest rates low was successful in
stabilizing future path of short term interest rates. The forward guidance of 2013
(BOJ.3) seems, instead, to have had only a very temporary effect on government
bond yields but not on swap rates.
Chart 6:
Japanese bond yields (left panel) and JPY Swap Forwards (right panel)
E. Swanson, J. Williams: Measuring the Effect of the Zero Lower Bound On Medium- and Longer-Term
Interest Rates, January 2013, Federal Bank of San Francisco Working Paper
M. Raskin: The Effects of the Federal
Reserve’s Date-Based Forward Guidance, May 20013, FEDS Working Papers;
J. Campbell, C. Evans, J. Fisher, A.
Justiniano: Macroeconomic Effects of FOMC
Forward Guidance, March 2012;
M. Del Negro, M. Giannoni, C. Patterson: The Forward Guidance Puzzle, May 2013,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report.
C. Kool, D. Thornton: How Effective is Central Bank Forward Guidance?, December 2012,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper Series;
K. Okina, S. Shiratsuka: Policy Commitment and Expectation Formations: Japan’s Experience
under Zero Interest Rates, June 2003, IMES Discussion Paper Series.
S. Shiratsuka : Size and Composition of the Central Bank Balance Sheet: Revisiting
Japan’s Experience of the Quantitative Easing Policy, November 2009, IMES
Discussion Paper Series;
K. Ueda : Deleveraging and Monetary Policy:
Japan since the 1990s and the United States since 2007, July 2012 revision, CIRJE
Discussion Papers;
*** Unconventional
Monetary Policies-Recent Experience and Prospects, April 2013,
International Monetary Fund;
Monetary policy trade-offs and forward guidance, August 2013, Bank of England;
[1] This Post was prepared with the capable
assistance of Mădălina Norocea.
[2] Message
conveyed to the markets not as a policy directive but as a press statement by
Governor Hayami.
[3] Although the
Bank of Japan was no longer committed to the 0 rate and it noted that the
year-on-year rate of change
in CPI was to follow a positive
trend, it mentioned that “accommodative
monetary environment ensuing from very low interest rates will probably be maintained for some
time” depending on the assessment of the economic outlook. From October 2009 the Bank adopted a change
in language “The Bank will maintain the extremely accommodative financial
environment for some time by holding
interest rates at their current low levels”
[4] Replaced with “extended period” since 18 March 2009;
[5] Later
changed with “late 2014” in January
2012 and “mid 2015” in September
[6] I owe this useful criterion to classify different types of
forward guidance to Fabio Noacco, senior analyst at Mediobanca. A similar
criterion was used by P. Praet, who took up the distinction between Odyssean ( f )
and Delphic (x0) component of forward guidance [Peter Praet, Forward guidance and the ECB, August 2013]
and Delphic (x0) component of forward guidance [Peter Praet, Forward guidance and the ECB, August 2013]
[7] Where r
is the nominal policy rate; r0 the real policy interest rate; π0 the target inflation rate; π the actual inflation rate; y0 the target output; y actual output.
[8] Interview available at
[9] Daluiso and Papadia, in Can the ECB control interest rates?, explore the link between excess
liquidity and money market rates to illustrate what they call the risk of
„endogenous tightening“ given by the ability of commercial banks to return to
the ECB their excess liquidity.
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